Thursday, August 9, 2012

Pastels "with pits"



peach & cherries


Janet said...

Janet, I am so impressed by your finding an outlet for your creativity. And your art is beautiful. I would hang these in my kitchen, really.

I recently attended a lecture by a Bethesda-based neurospsychologist who was speaking about the benefits of engaging different parts of our brain at the same time. Any creative endeavor uses our right brain, the often-neglected part of the brain. It's the same place from which dreams emerge, interestingly enough. The more we use *all* our brain, the better we become at creative problem-solving. We also boost our memory and intelligence. So keep up your art and your blog! :)

ed: from am

Janet said...

Hey, those are great! You should do a whole series and sell them. Are they on canvas or paper? If they’re on the mid-sized canvases, I could even feature them in a Buying Excellence video! J Then you’d really make it big.

Keep painting! J

ed: from jq

Janet said...

Thanks, Jack:
The originals are on 8.5x11 paper. They can be produced on 11x14 canvas box. Larger works can be commissioned, of course to "behind-the-sofa" size (in series).
BE exposure w/your recommendation would surely be value-added.

Added more photographic work to the Spot. re-visit
and become a follower!
thx, jmkl

Janet said...

Thanks, Andrea:
Anything to keep "early on-set" senility at bay ;o!

These can be produce for display (w/out a monitor!). Please see response to Jack above.
