Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Look Upward

Trying hard to get home before sunset; but I knew that I had to stop to shoot this unusually curly Q lamp in the parking lot of Little Falls Church in Arlington. I particularly like the orange glow-- reminds me of long ago on a movie set or such.

Little Falls Church steeple against cirrus clouds. The cross seems a bit forlorn....

Yes, I know, it's another entry in the McLean/Great Falls signage series; but I couldn't help myself. I feel like this could have been taken in the great southwest with its open skies.


Katie said...

These pictures are good representations of clouds and antique objects/things!

Epicksl Aeduri said...

Since the sky is pretty much the same everywhere... images looking up could be anywhere. :D

jmkl said...

Thanks, Epicksl:
That is true; but I thought the atmosphere and "feel" of the Goodyear shot were evocative of the SW.