Monday, September 10, 2012

Life Promise

Did you miss me? Well, I'm back with more images and thoughts to ponder (please share a response by commenting).

Here we have the stalk that would bloom! It was a bit touch and go there for a while, especially when the other promising stem fell over as a result of over-eager pruning. But "life would find a way" as my mother would say. The excellence of this bloom lies not in the sheer size of the flowers posted in Topsy-turvy Eden (August post); instead, the lovely quintessential quality of the sunflower has grown with hope and expectation of the gardener.

Something on the same theme of the promise in life.... Here's a rainbow after a terrific drenching; getting a lot of these this summer. This storm was a hurricane aftermath, I believe. We would have driven right past this sight, if I hadn't happened to glance out the side window. It was breath-taking in scope, since it was almost the full 180 degree arc. We were able to make out the umbra of the double rainbow as well.

The last time I saw a double rainbow was on my solitary ride from Charlottesville to DC in the early 90's. I almost drove right off the Rte. 29!

'Bow over the Beltway