Monday, September 24, 2012

Upstream Swim

Food again! This time just a straight-forward recipe recommendation. I made these salmon burgers with Green Goddess dressing figuring a 50-50 chance of kids eating them. Jackpot! They inhaled them-- just as advertised. So now I am recommending this recipe to you, fair reader. They are a tad (just a tad) bit labor intensive, what with all the chopping; but if you put the salmon fillet in the freezer for under 30 minutes, you will have an easier time with the task. Keep the spatula turning to a minimum; you will be rewarded with a brown crust and burger disk in the united round (not in several equally delicious pieces). Shown in original recipe atop salad greens; but I served on golden brioche rolls.

Yummy! Making again for lunch today....

salmon burger with Green Goddess dressing


Janet said...

Yup-- still works like a charm. Just had this for lunch; even better with Green Goddess dressing that has chilled overnight with developed flavors.

Janet said...

ed. note: from rck

I read the Upstream Swim posted on the web on September 24th 2012. I enjoyed it very much to the point that I could almost smell the salmon but sorry that my browser is not currently supported to comment.

Bears, the salmon eaters, please, do not catch them all when salmons are taking upstream journey to the place where they can spawn.
They are trying with all their might to swim upstream and propagate their offsprings. What a journey!
