Friday, September 28, 2012

Many Crowns

Inspiration, at last! In response to recent post, The Whole World in Our Hands , I have made these with my own two little hands... not bad tasting either. House smells great; and we are ready should the queen pop by for tea! Thanks, ihs..


Janet said...

I LOVE THEM! great inspiration, too!

Janet said...

ed. note: from dg

You know I am the Nut queen, right? So are those my cookies????

Janet said...

Sure, dg:

Just pop by McLean for a spot of tea :)!

Janet said...

ed. note: from ihs

Beautiful! I am impressed! Just curious - what kind of icing did you use?

Janet said...

Now I know what really elicits responses from the readership. Not deep think-y pieces ruminating on existential questions nor artful renderings of the glory of creation. No, what really gets a response is f-o-o-d, specifically, cookies!

Thanks. I'm not satisfied with the cookie taste itself; I'll have to refine that. I used the recipe that came with the cookie cutter.

Site is:

Frosting recipe is: From Ann Clark Vermont Cookie Cutters:

1 tablespoon butter

Add and beat until smooth:
3/4 cup confectioner's sugar (sifted)
1 tablespoon milk
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1/4 teaspoon lemon juice

Add food coloring if desired. Yields 1/3 cup

Janet said...

ed. note: from ihs

It looks like you used royal icing…if so, I am SUPER impressed because a lot of people find royal icing a real challenge! Good for you!

Janet said...

ed. note: from rck

Thanks for sending me the delicious smelling crowns my way. With the full moon in the night sky, they have brighten up my thoughts about the crowning glory of the season and which entails....

Janet said...

ed. note: from mb, President of Women's Committee of The Washington Ballet
Very impressive! Can you whip up 500 “Dracula” cookies by Friday???

Janet said...

I probably could; but it would cost a pretty penny! I would also have to find a bat cookie cutter....
The Modern Suburbanite

Janet said...

ed. note: from ihs

It looks like you used royal icing…if so, I am SUPER impressed because a lot of people find royal icing a real challenge! Good for you!

Janet said...

Glad that you enjoy them! You are the inspiration for these princess crowns :).

The Modern Suburbanite

Janet said...

I have a BAT! In my Halloween set...and I use very black icing for mine ;^)

Janet said...

Good! Call mdb and voluteer to make 500 Draculas by Friday, okay? LOL!

You are a domestic goddess. Are you good with royal icing?

The ModSub