Good Morning, fair reader.
I thought that I'd write this post quickly-- get the thought "out there" while fresh.
Kids say the darndest things-- a truism to be sure. Case in point, I offered my resident teen some ice cream a few nights ago as he was eyeball deep in homework. To my surprise, he replied, "yes please"; he's a teen remember? I asked him if he preferred vanilla or chocolate. He asked are they in the same carton? No, separate cartons, I replied. The teen, "I'll have whichever is less meager."
Less meager??! Down which logical labyrinth is he leading us? "What does that matter?" is my counter-reply. "I like to keep them even (in quantity)". Wow.
I had to chuckle and informed my teen that "one can take the kid out of Montessori; but you can't take the Montessori out of the kid." His penchant for symmetry and balance still remains to this day, expressed even in his druthers for ice cream flavor.
The Modern Suburbanite muses on...