Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Spice of Life

New day, new musings...

So I went to lunch with my mom (of meatball fame-- Old Smokey ) at our local Korean restaurant. As is traditional, the pan-chan arrived directly after ordering. Pretty elegant kim-chi, I must say. While we were there, my mom informed me that the South Korean Defense Minister was there for lunch; US military guard there. Too much brass.

Ever notice the spiciness of the marigold, especially when it is about to go to seed? As a child, I remember pulling out the spiky, black and silver-tipped seeds and setting them into the wind to grow wherever they would land. These blooms wear the colors of the Redskins, which is a propos in this town.

Finally, a view from the busstop this morning of a tree ready to go out in a blaze of glory. We will have to keep the faith through the long winter that the foliage greening will be perennnial.

Muse on,
The Modern Suburbanite


Janet said...

ed. note: from am

I love these images, Janet - everything from our ordinary world but which we can walk right by and never see. This Sunday we hear the blind man say to Jesus, "Help me to see again." Your blog helps others see again, too!
Thanks for sharing,


Janet said...

Thanks for the insightful comment. If we were wise and bold enough to ask for that which we would like to receive....

The ModSub

Janet said...

ed. note: from rck

In the middle, we see the black bean side dish (very small one at that), which is not a just side dish for me; it was the most favorite and common item in my lunch box while I attended high school in Korea.
Skillfully we used to pick up each bean with our chop sticks and enjoy it. "Kong Ja Ban" is the name for it.

Janet said...

I did not know that after all of these years. I do remember the hot sweet potato in your coat pocket to warm your hands, then to warm your stomach as part of your lunch!

The ModSub