Thursday, October 25, 2012

Goblins Galore!

Frankenstorm on the way? Instead of filling up the bathtubs with H2O, let's blog instead :)!

So we are having a record-setting series of bake sales at the ballet school to raise scholarship monies. Above and below are fine creative examples from our amateur bakers. Many thanks and kudos!

Boo! Fast approaching All Hallows' Eve round these parts. These cupcake chefs d'oeuvres were produced by some talented sisters for a local bake sale. I get a chuckle particularly with the light blue Dracula face; he looks like he's been up all night being ghoulish.

Masterfully done!

The Modern Suburbanite


Janet said...

Fun! Thanks for sharing.

Janet said...

Sure thing; thanks for baking and commenting!

The ModSub