Thursday, October 16, 2014

PPPST! October 2014

Welcome Intrepid Parents!
Happy Anniversary to us; it's been a year of learning and breathing together. What a blessing and an honor...

We met once again and started with a centering breath exercise taken from p. 107 of A Wing and a Prayer written by The Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori, the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church (and marine biologist/pilot). Presiding Bishop background The chapter is entitled, "A New Thing".

"Try this exercise. Close your eyes. Relax your body. Ease into your chair. As you breathe in, hear God saying to you, 'I love you.' As you let your breath go, focus on letting go with it something that binds you--an old hurt, a sin that's hard to forget, your frustration with your own or someone else's imperfection. As Jeremiah said, God has already forgotten it. God remembers only the promise. Even in the midst of our current global anxiety, God is doing a new thing."

What a comfort. God is doing a new thing. How does that relate to raising our children? Does that letting go allow for a moment of grace where we can "come to our senses" (a la the bereft prodigal son)? Katharine speaks of a "reckless love"-- a love that "doesn't count or reckon the cost". What does that mean for our children, our families, our communities? What does that mean for ourselves? Yikes! Big questions...

In the penultimate paragraph she writes, "That abundant life is ours for the asking, and the letting go. It's as close as our breath. The act of breathing is itself a small dying and invitation to new life. Letting go of our breath is a radical act of trust. It's a dying, but a dying for, so that we have room for a new breath."

Let us carry that around with us and try it on for size...

The ModSub

11/9 is the Annual Meeting.
Date and time for our group TBD.

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